The past two weeks along with the rain and cool temperatures, dipping to the thirties some nights, the dogwood blossoms arrived. Of coarse! that's why it's been so cold, another "Dogwood Winter". We did manage to get the grass mowed between rains. The fresh green lawn along with all the new green leaves on the trees and the various colors of blooming flowers and trees just causes me once again to soak in all the wondrous beauty around me. How very thankful I am to live in an area that offers such pronounced changes of season.
Try as I will I can never resist early planting. As a result I usually lose a few plants. This never seems to deter me though and as I am enjoying fresh lettuce blends from my garden the extra work is so worth it. I am still learning so much about gardening and using newer methods such as raised beds and lasagna gardens. I have read so much and created a little gardening notebook for reference as well as plundering Pinterest for new ideas. It would seem every available space in my home is filled with seedlings such as yellow squash, zucchini, watermelon, cantaloupe, cucumber and numerous herbs. The little plants are thriving and I am anxious for the next bout of warm days so I can get them planted outside and watch them grow. Then I will enjoy the fruits of my labor as I serve lots of fresh salads and fresh veggies throughout summer. Of coarse all that depends on whether I manage to prevent our neighborhood bunnies and deer from harvesting them first.
This Spring holds many new challenges and adventures. I am excited. In a couple of weeks we will begin work on our little cabin. It seems so long in the planning stage, I can hardly wait! The past few years have been spent downsizing, with lots more to complete. I so look forward to living in a small cabin, simple in design and allowing for time to enjoy the simple pleasures of life. Our youngest grandchild recently moved about ten minutes from us and we also have another grandbaby due to arrive in June. Days spend in the yard with little ones playing games, planting flowers and gathering veggies from the garden are precious moments to me. I'm sure many would beg to differ with me on this but I would not trade these sweet times of enjoying nature and relaxing in the peaceful surroundings of these Kentucky hills for life in any city on the planet.
This path of mine is perfect for me. And so on I will walk, taking the time to enjoy sunrises, sunsets, the blooming of my roses and yes, even the spring rain. Seize every moment and embrace family and friends. This life is short, let's make it count.