Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Rainy Days and Waiting

    Today is a very cloudy, rainy day here in Kentucky, yet I find myself feeling quite sunny. It has been so very many months since I have had a chance to make my way to my Blog site and write. As I look back over all these months I am once again in awe at all the changes that have taken place in my life. So many new, wonderful opportunities have presented themselves. I won't go into all that today. Instead just a little "catch up".
    In my last post I shared about our two Pygmy goats. After all the preparation for them and trying to get them settled at our place life took a sudden turn. My daughter and her family bought a home almost an hour away. This meant no regular visits from the children to play with the goats. I tried to fill in but realized trying to keep those little darlings in their pen was just more than this Grandma cared to keep up with. I began to look for another home for them. I was so glad to find a family with a farm and other goats as well that were happy to have them. It helped that we knew this family and were sure the goats would be well taken care of.
    When two of our children had bought homes quite a driving distance away we began to question if it might be wise to look for a place closer to our family which would allow for more visiting and for saving quite a bit on gas. I admit in many ways I did not like the idea of moving, yet again. I loved our woods, little pond, small community with lots of Amish neighbors and that we had begun to build a cabin there with a great view. I did like the thoughts of being closer to the grandchildren though.
    So we began the search. Very soon we found a couple of acres bordered by a nice creek and within a few miles of several of the grandchildren. The downside was it being open to a fairly busy state road and very low lying and apt to flooding. The price was great but my "hubby" was not sold on it. I am very thankful today for his reservations. We happened to learn, through an old schoolmate of my hubby's, about a fellow who owned several parcels of land in an area central to much of our family. In no time we were being shown these various tracts of land and found one that seemed to meet most of both our requirements. We just needed to sell our other place now to make it all work. Within two-three weeks we had found the new land and had cash in hand from the sale of our place. It is amazing to see how quickly God can change things around.
   So once again I write from a different place. We now live on six acres that is mostly cleared and gently rolling but still have a couple acres of woodland with lots of wildlife. One of our first times here a red fox ran across what is now our yard. There are lots of deer tracks and hopefully this fall one of them will make its way to my freezer. We have found a spring in the woods below our home site and although there is no pond we have lots of room and could build one. There is lots of room gardening and a few raised beds are in place and my strawberry patch had been transplanted here. We had sold our motorhome last year and since there was no house on our land that was a small problem. Well not so small actually. We were however able to find another that has been quite comfortable for the two of us these winter months. Another winter with very little cleaning!
    One additional bonus to this new bit of land is that it is located less than five miles from my best friend for the past almost thirty years. I would have never imagined living so close. Where before we often struggled to fit a visit for lunch in every few months now we are able to visit most every week and attend our grandchildren's ballgames and such together at times. I have always treasured the gift of a good friend and this has been a "gift" quite unexpected but much enjoyed.
    As we discuss plans for beginning to build, again, I find myself getting restless. Patience, alas is not one of my virtues. As we wait for better weather and try to decide just what will best suit us both I must direct my energy in some way. Since I am also impatiently awaiting spring I decided to get busy starting seedlings. Yesterday I started seeds for over a hundred plants. Hopefully, by planting time I will have lots of tomatoes, peppers, melons, squash, various herbs and lots of flowers ready to put in our garden. I pray for a good growing season this year in order to have lots of fresh produce not only for us but to share with family and friends.
    Fueled once again by the approach of the Spring season I will make another attempt to be more consistent with my blogging. I will end today with a bit of a poem I read earlier today.
          His grace is great enough to meet the great things---
             The crashing waves that overwhelm the soul,
          The roaring winds that leave us stunned and breathless,
             The sudden storms beyond our life's control.

          His grace is great enough to meet the small things---
             The little pin-prick troubles that annoy,
          The insect worries, buzzing and persistent,
             The squeaking wheels that grate upon our joy.
                                                                 Annie Johnson Flint


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