Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Chill of Winter
      How very quickly the days have passed since my last writing here! The warm summer days turned to fall and it seemed the frigid blast of winter hit with a vengeance. Here in Kentucky we have experienced far more cold weather than in many, many years. There have been quite a few days with temperatures in the twenties, teens, and even single digits. As I sit today looking out the window at the lightly falling snow being whirled about by bitter winds, I find myself looking over the past few months and ahead to this still fresh new year.
     Several last goodbyes were said to quite a few family and friends during the last months of 2013. Within a two month period I lost a dear friend and two aunts along with a dear sister-in-law. I am so thankful I had a time of special visiting with each aunt and was able to be with my sister-in-law during her last night and during her passing. Life changes so swiftly, I am ever reminded of the importance to cherish time spent with family and friends.
     Looking ahead in anticipation of the possibilities and challenges of 2014 I am excited. Already I have begun purchasing seed for my garden and am planning its layout on paper. I suppose the thoughts of gentle Spring breezes and warm, sunny days help me endure these bitterly cold times. Even during the past December we enjoyed fresh lettuce, kale and carrots from last years garden. I can hardly wait to begin planting and seeing the little green sprouts bursting through the soil.
     Tragedy struck my little flock of chickens last fall when a neighbors dogs attacked them in our yard. We lost one hen and our last guinea. During the early part of fall we had seen the benefits of even the one guinea as the tick population seemed to disappear around our place. Our three remaining hens have thrived and two are faithful to provide an egg each day. I suppose to many enjoyment in such a small thing might seem silly, yet I do take pleasure in feeding and watching the behavior of my chickens. I also like the help they provide for our breakfasts. When the weather warms a bit I will add a few more hens, maybe a rooster and get a couple more guineas and we will build a larger fenced area for them all. I so wish we could allow them to free range over our six acres but with wandering pit bulls that is no longer a good idea.

     Today I realize how greatly blessed I am in life. Oh, I may now have an expensive home or car or lots of money but what I do have if far more valuable. I have a husband, children, and grandchildren who love me and put up with me in all my "unique" ways. I have many dear friends, some that I know would show up any time I called with a need. I have a close knit church family and a church that I can freely attend and be encouraged to grow spiritually. Most importantly of all, I have a Heavenly Father who loves and accepts me as I am and patiently guides me along this path called life. He is ever faithful to pick me up when I fall and lead me when it seems I can't find my way. He has seen fit to meet my needs throughout my life and has never turned his back on me, even at times when I turned mine on him. Yes, I am most blessed and look forward to all 2014 has in store. I truly hope each one who may read this post will look around and see all the good and cherish each day.


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